Sketch of Eminence Independent School Building

Family Resource & Youth Services Center (FRYSC)
McKinney Vento
Families in Transition
Program (F.I.T.)


Kayleigh Lane, Family Resource and Youth Services Center, Director

Garry McPeek, McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison 

Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC)

Kayleigh Lane, Director

(502)-845-5427 ext. 2256

Mission Statement

To enhance students’ ability to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote:

FRYSC Vision

The Kentucky Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services shall sustain the national standard of excellence in the provision of school-based family support through continuous quality improvement.

FRYSC Purpose

The Family Resource and Youth Services Center has been created in keeping with the School-Based Decision Making concept of the Kentucky Education Reform Act. 

The intent of the center is to enhance students' abilities to succeed in school by assisting children, youth, and families in meeting some of their basic needs.  This will be done by providing community services at the centers or by linking families to agencies in the area.

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers are developed by single schools or groups of schools that have at least 20% of their students eligible to receive free school meals.

Who Can Use FRYSC Services

Centers receive a state grant based on the number of students eligible for free school meals.  However, once a center has been established ALL children and youth enrolled in schools (and their families) can use the Center's services regardless of the income of the family.  Services will be especially beneficial for those who are at risk of not performing well in school.  

McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Program

Families in Transition (F.I.T.)

Garry McPeek, Homeless Liaison

(502) 845-4788

Mission Statement

The Eminence Independent Schools Families in Transition Program is part of the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act and serves students experiencing a loss of housing due to hardship.  McKinney Vento ensures that homeless children have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children.


Under McKinney Vento Law we work to remove barriers that may limit a student's success in school.  Barriers may include difficulty with enrollment, access to records, regular attendance, lack of transportation and other basic needs and falling behind in school.   


McKinney Vento can help provide housing referrals, immunizations, school required physicals, medical and dental services, eye glasses and hearing aids, counseling services, clothing and shoes, school supplies, extended learning opportunities and tutoring, fees for extracurricular activities, transportation needs, parent involvement and outreach, fees for academic testing, and obtaining GEDs. 

Who qualifies for McKinney Vento Services?

 McKinney Vento/ F.I.T. provides services for children who qualify based on their current housing status.  

The term "HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTH" means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and includes children:

❏ Sharing the housing of others “doubled up” due to a loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason

❏ Living in motels, hotels, camping grounds due to a lack of adequate accommodations

❏ Living in emergency or transitional shelters

❏ Living in private or public places not intended for humans to live and sleep

❏ Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, or bus or train stations

❏ Youth not in the physical custody of their guardian or parent

Migratory Children

The Family Resource and Youth Services Center & F.I.T. Services & Programming:

Open House, Parent Classes and Workshops, Red Ribbon Week Activities, Fall and Spring Family Engagement Nights, Holiday Assistance Program, Hispanic Family Night, Middle School Girls Empowerment Meetings, Health Services and Substance Abuse Referrals, Community Baby Showers, Father Daughter Dance, Pumpkin Carving Night, Mobile Food Pantry, Home Visits, Clothing, Food and School Supplies, After School Student Interventions and tutoring, Summer of Wonder and Much More...

Lifeline for Vets
NVF Lifeline for Vets – 1-888-777-4443
VA Suicide Hotline – 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Stop Soldier Suicide - 1-.800-273-8255 #1